
Throughout my life, I have changed my idea of what I want to become when I grow up.

Approximately at the age of 6 or even earlier-King (I honestly didn’t know that a female cannot become a KingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

Around the age of 7/8-Music Teacher (Distance between me and music is way too long..though I did learn how to play Sitar in secondary school)

Around 10 to 15- Paediatrician (This one lasted a while)

Around 16- Archaeologist(I was reading a book where the protagonist was an archeologist..but I gave up because what is there to dig in my little red dot😁)

16-18- Pharmacist and other allied health professions

19- Allied health professional

20- Currently doing a psychology degree, let’s see where this leads me to

Moral of the story: As you grow up, you learn more about yourself and the world. So just follow your heart, but take your brain along with you😎😎.

I have heard of people who change their careers after finishing their college degree. So speaking along that lines, you don’t need to have it all figured out in your teens/early 20 somethings.

4 thoughts on “Careers

  1. I’ve always worried about what I wanted in life and always assumed there was something wrong with me because I could never pin point what I was passionate about. It’s just a matter of going through life and taking it day by day and figuring it out that way!. Great post πŸ™‚

    1. Haha that’s so true! We have to live in the present first so that we can face what the future holds for us, and in the process we grow up !

  2. don’t ever give up on your dreams πŸ˜‰

    1. Haha sure! You don’t give up on yours too!!😘

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